Tapping Affirmations to Ring in the New Year!

I am wishing you all a blessed New Year. I wrote this tapping script to help you release the last year and bring in fresh vitality for to 2015!
In Loving Service,
Johna Goldenflame
A Tapping Script to Ring in the New Year!
•I am calling in powerful transformation in 2015.
•I am open to completely forgiving myself for any fear and doubt.
•I respect myself for stretching beyond what I’ve become familiar with.
•I am expanding my capacity to actively generate my life.
•It’s possible this is a worthwhile endeavor and I am completely capable.
•I address my fear with love now.
•Fear shows me exactly where to nurture myself.
•I allow myself to have all the support and clarity I need.
•I am coming into alignment with a new level of truth and beauty.
•My capacity for growth and change is expanding rapidly now.
•It’s possible that I am growing in ways that are perfectly aligned with my unique path.
•It’s ok for me to make these changes now.
•I have permission to be deeply fulfilled by my life.
•I forgive myself for struggling in the ways that I have.
•I’m open to appreciating past challenges or failures, I allow them to directly contribute to my success now.
•I’m getting clearer and more powerful each day.
•I forgive myself for not automatically knowing how to accomplish my goal!!!
•I am figuring it out <3
•It’s possible that this is what it takes to learn.
•I AM WORTHY of my own attention and effort.
•I’m open to leaving the past behind now.
•I am bringing myself up to date with my most current version of myself!
•I am open to tying up loose ends and completing my year.
•I am absolutely capable of evolving and growing in the direction of my choosing.
•My resolution is just an extention of how I am naturally designed grow.
•It’s possible that I am ready to accomplish this.
•I am the engine and generator behind the momentum of my life!
•I am cultivating my skill now.
•I give myself permission to thrive now. It’s possible that is what I came to Earth to do.
•I forgive myself and everybody else for forgetting what we are capable of.
•I tap into my power and potential now.
•I’m open to having FUN while I make these changes.
•I allow this to be easy and surprisingly natural.
•I am blessed.
•I am worthy.
•I allow this to happen.
•I am opening up to new experience of living now.