30 days of EFT
We are going for it again! I am holding another 30 days of Tapping! This time completely online so that you can join me from anywhere...

Tapping into your Magnificence
Revealing Your Magnificence • I am in resonance with beauty, love, wisdom, and compassion. • My heart is radiating with love and fueling...

Tapping Affirmations to Ring in the New Year!
I am wishing you all a blessed New Year. I wrote this tapping script to help you release the last year and bring in fresh vitality for to...

SOLSTICE a Mastery Course in Transformtion
A transformative course in resolution and manifestation. Click here for the SOLSTICE webpage This is my version of a New Year's...

Tapping For a Loving, Empowered Holiday Season
Here is a sheet of affirmations I just wrote for the upcoming holiday celebrations. You can use these while you tap through the points....

New Testimonial!
"I cannot sing enough praises for the EFT practice of Johna Goldenflame. I constantly recommend her to friends who feel stuck in a rut,...

Choosing Love
The vast majority of us suffer from some amount of deeply rooted doubt in our own value. Sadly this human-condition holds us back from...

EFT success! Wishes do come true!
Just in case you didn't catch this on Facebook, I'd like to share some amazing news I received the other day. I celebrate EFT miracles...

New Testimonial!
*Updated Review* "In addition to the review of group sessions, I wanted to update because I've been doing private sessions and those...

New Testimonial!
"I have been seeing Johna Goldenflame for about a year and a half now and I am so happy with her. She has the amazing ability to perceive...