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Springtime: Clearing and Creating Using EFT

Springtime Clearing and Creating Tapping Script

By Johna Goldenflame, Advanced EFT Practitioner

Apply this to any area of your life where you are facing a challenge. If saying any of these statements feels confronting, repeat it several times while summoning compassion* towards yourself. If a statement feels particularly good to say, also repeat it several times and let it soak in! Remember to breathe deeply and exhale with a big sigh throughout your session!

Even though life is presenting these obstacles, I profoundly honor myself. (big breath!)

I forgive myself for any experience of being overwhelmed that I feel.

This experience of being overwhelmed ( breathe, acknowledge your experience by repeating 5 times as you move through the points )

Even if I don’t know what to do, it's possible that I have what it takes. ( 5x)

Even if I don't know what the end results will be, I'm open to the possibility of it all working out spectacularly.I love and respect my Self!

It’s all working out. ( 5x )

I forgive myself for being scared, I have compassion for myself.(5x)

I appreciate my Self for taking this on in the first place.

I'm doing the very best that I've been capable of and I'm growing quickly now.

I completely acknowledge this fear.

I love and accept my Self exactly how I am, fear and all.

This fear (remember to breathe! Just accept whatever emotions arise).

It’s ok to release this fear, I’m paying attention to what is needed. (5x)

It's possible that I'm safe to make these changes (5x)

I allow myself to trust in this process, I'm learning.

Even if I mess-up, I still love and respect myself (5x)

I am stepping into my personal power now. (5x)

It's ok for me to enjoy this process.

I'm doing the right thing and I support myself in this!

I am listening to the wisdom of my heart, it’s coming in loud and clear.

It's possible that I know exactly what I need and I'm following through now.

I choose to trust myself.

I have permission to use my intuition. (5x)

I'm spontaneously checking in with my Self and I know exactly what is needed.

I love and respect my Self, it feels great to act on my inner-knowing.

It's easy for me to do this.

I'm learning how and expanding my ability everyday.

I choose to powerfully release anything that is no longer serving me. (5x)

I’m doing this with gratitude for the role that these patterns have played in contributing to my wisdom and self-awareness.

I completely forgive myself for having these patterns in the first place.

I love my Self profoundly.

I choose to grow in this way now. (5x)

I can do this. I am doing this. (5x)

I am being pleasantly surprised.

I choose to be patient and curious about where this will lead me.

It’s possible that I am divinely supported.

I am asking for and receiving all that I need. (5x)

It’s possible that the divine plan is unfolding, I allow it’s brilliance to be expressed through me.

I am the creative principle in action, spirit creates through me.

I forgive myself for forgetting and I remember the truth NOW.

I am surrendering to grace and beauty.

I am here to emanate love through: ___________ (you fill in the blank! Your children, partnerships, art, work, play, nurturing, etc!)

I know my Self to be a reflection of Spirit through: ___________

I am here to contribute to the world through: ____________

I facilitate peace, compassion, and progress though: _______

It’s possible I am worthy of greatness!I profoundly recognize my Self!

I am worthy of love. (3x)

I’m curious to see how good it can get!! (3x)

I choose to thrive NOW!

*Compassion: The willingness to be present and loving with intensity or suffering.

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