Full Permission: An EFT workshop for revealing the TRUE you.
Every session I have given for the last several weeks has boiled down to one message: Give yourself permission to be who you truly are. Create in accordance with your inner truth and expand your capacity to receive riches (inner/outer) naturally by being in authentic alignment with your spirit.
It is clearly the time for this transformation so I am answering the call and I am supporting you all in getting on board! Meet me Saturday in my office at Healing Sanctuary in The Center SF. I can't wait to see you there!
This is for everyone who desires to carve their own path in life. We will address the challenges that we face as we create a life path sourced from the truth of our spirit.
Do you ever feel oppressed by the expectations we grew up with about how you are “supposed” to live, look, or love? Do you ever experience anxiety over the way you thought life was going to go as opposed to your current experience? Or how about the daily struggle to rise above mediocrity?
We will address and clear the societal brainwashing that we have all been exposed to from a corrupt system that heavily benefits if we always perceive ourselves as unworthy, incapable, and not good enough. I say FUCK THAT.
In this workshop you will learn how to give your soul permission to speak directly to you, clearly and powerfully, in a way that uplifts and supports the perfect and spectacular momentum of universal creativity that wants to move through you. Choose to create your life out of love, inspiration, and the thrilling revelation that your life is absolutely your own to create- according to your ideals; revealing the blazing truth in your heart.
You are not on some invisible tracks that determine your direction! Where have you given your authority away? What do you make more important than your own truth? We will be clearing limiting beliefs and emotional patterns that have held these behaviors in place. It is time that we wake up to the realization that we get to say how it goes. Why? Because it would be more FUN. You are not just a cog, but the actual engine.
Connect with your sense of agency through using curiosity. What would be life if we all shone in our own unique radiance?
Grant yourself FULL PERMISSION to create freely and to receive abundantly.
1-2:30pm First segment
2:30-3:30 Break
3:30-5 Second segment
Tuition $75 until Saturday - $100 the day of
Some scholarships available.
Space is limited and will fill up! Sign up soon!
RSVP though payment via Paypal: Johna@goldenflame.us
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