EFT success! Wishes do come true!
Just in case you didn't catch this on Facebook, I'd like to share some amazing news I received the other day. I celebrate EFT miracles everyday, but I'd like to share this with you because I am so particularly inspired by this experience and really feeling the possibilities of this work.
One of the people I have been working with, we will call her "S", was recently hospitalized for experiencing a psychotic break. Now that she is out of the hospital she is living with her parents and working to heal herself using EFT through online sessions and utilizing The World Tapping Circle. Here is the letter I just received! Everything that we tapped on has happened.
S and I worked in a private session on restoring in her mental/emotional stability, finding doctors that she could work with easily in order to make a plan for reducing the heavy dosages of medication she has been prescribed. We all also tapped on receiving support from her family who is spooked by the idea of EFT and being pleasantly surprised by easily finding new trustworthy friends and magical encounters in the tiny rural town she lives in. Well all of these things have happened! She has also been cleared to reduce by half and completely cut some medications. The doctor said she is 6 months ahead of their projected schedule for recovery because she is doing so well. All of these things have happened in JUST THE LAST WEEK. Here is some of the letter she would like me to share with you. "The most valuable lesson I've learned from this experience is that when all else fails, the tapping works. I made a commitment to the free month of tapping, I used the replays throughout the week, and I'm learning quickly how to tap solo. I haven't felt this elated in a long time. I'm so relieved!... So basically, yesterday marked a milestone for me. I have much more energy than I've had in the last month and a strong sense of accomplishment. I understand that though I won this battle, the war rages on, only this time I am better equipped to handle the challenges."
Miracles are possible! Wishes do come true!
Johna Goldenflame
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