Choosing Love

The vast majority of us suffer from some amount of deeply rooted doubt in our own value. Sadly this human-condition holds us back from our true essential nature. Let's pull the cork on our highest potential by realizing our most profound truth: we are ALL well-springs of Divine Love and Creativity.
I believe that we are here to relish in a shared experience of love, beauty, deep intimacy, bliss and co-creation. However, our capacity for these qualities has everything to do with how we relate to ourselves. At this point of adulthood the amount of Self-love and Self-respect we already have is what we've got to work with, the rest will have to be Self-generated, cultivated, and fostered. This is were The Emotional Freedom Technique comes in. EFT is a process of reorganizing the subconscious mind in order to create new supportive mental programming. We will actually be rewiring our own brains through this powerful rapid technique to gain a solid and permanent sense of love, respect and worth for our Self.
July 27th, 2014
12:00 - 4:00pm
546 Fillmore Street - Suite A
San Francisco, CA 94117
Come release societal programming of engineered insecurity that keep us stuck in the "rat-race" instead of living our true purpose, resolve fears, and release emotional patterns that diminish our perception of self-worth. Choose full access to our own magnificent brilliance, power, and best of all: the full nectar of your immortal, infinite, and sublime power of pure love. We can create paradise on Earth. Let's turn the tide by making peace within. This workshop will be followed by my Full Permission workshop on August 3rd. Full Permission is a clearing of blockages and activation for vibrantly expressing our unique qualities and living a life that is authentic to our spirits. Tuition $150 Some scholarships available. Space is limited so please register in advance by sending payment via PayPal to