New Testimonial
I was going through a really rough time in my life when I found Johna. I was dealing with the aftermath of a failed relationship, and experiencing some of my same old fears, denials, patterns and vulnerabilities so intensely. I was feeling lost, heartbroken and lonely, and I was overcome with a bout of depression I hadn't felt that deeply before. Traditional counseling wasn't as effective for some reason (I'd done it for years), and I was at the point where I'd try anything to get out of the hole I was in. That's when I found Johna. I knew nothing about EFT and I have to admit that it sounded a bit "out there"/a bit much for me at first, but now, I'm so thankful I made an appointment.
From my first session with her, I could tell I was onto something good. She walked me through what EFT was and explained what we'd be doing, and we got right into it. Johna is caring, invested, present, and compassionate, but she also has a remarkable listening ability; to say she is a good listener is an understatement. Johna took in my ramblings and emotional outpouring with so much empathy and intuitive ability, and I've had these almost magical times in my sessions with her where she'd phrase feedback or say something that was so true of my life or how I was feeling, yet I hadn't overtly volunteered it. She has this ability to read between the lines, so to speak, and because of her ability to pick up on the subtler things, I've had so many insightful, "ah ha" moments that have really helped me see the root of some of my issues and, ultimately, release them.
Like any form of therapy, it isn't magic, but I have to say, I've done traditional therapy for a long time, and something about working with Johna was different. In our sessions, I felt supported and free to be truly honest about what was going on, which allowed me to make headway in my self-discovery and growth as opposed to simply rehashing old issues like I did in therapy many times before. I have honestly left every session I've had with Johna with some new piece of wisdom, some new discovery about myself, some clarity, some hopeful feeling, some tool for actually helping myself in a deep, lasting, applicable way. Like I said, I was skeptical about trying something new, but I cannot express enough thanks to Johna Goldenflame. She is truly a unique individual with a rare and precious gift. If you're a little lost, sad, frustrated, numb, or scared, or even if you're on one of life's upswings, go see her. She has something for you.